
Slomo is an artist originally from Caracas, Venezuela, who ìs been living and working in Miami,USA for the past decade. Recently moved to Barcelona, Spain.

He’s style is geometric either in abstract or figurative pieces, beingtransparencies and color overlays what characterized he’s work. Using only Spray Cans as he’s tool of work.

When asked about he’s influences, he emphasized in how “CinetismoVenezolano” or Kinetic Art from Venezuela started the process, but it was the city of Barcelona and all the contemporary Street artist mostly from Spain, that gave shape to what Slomo depicts in he’s paintings or walls now a days.

By chance, or maybe by unconscious design Slomo surrounded himself at one point in his life with people and places that turned him to street art, influential artists, places, cities, and a flowering Miami, Wynwood scene that encouraged him to dive into art and creation, a scene with which he felt very identified and was lucky enough to experience firsthand and to draw inspiration from.


Slomo is an artist originally from Caracas, Venezuela, who ìs been living and working in Miami,USA for the past decade.

Recently moved to Barcelona, Spain.

He’s style is geometric either in abstract or figurative pieces, beingtransparencies and color overlays what characterized he’s work. Using only Spray Cans as he’s tool of work.

When asked about he’s influences, he emphasized in how “CinetismoVenezolano” or Kinetic Art from Venezuela started the process, but it was the city of Barcelona and all the contemporary Street artist mostly from Spain, that gave shape to what Slomo depicts in he’s paintings or walls now a days.

By chance, or maybe by unconscious design Slomo surrounded himself at one point in his life with people and places that turned him to street art, influential artists, places, cities, and a flowering Miami, Wynwood scene that encouraged him to dive into art and creation, a scene with which he felt very identified and was lucky enough to experience firsthand and to draw inspiration from.

instagram: slomo29
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