
Marco Galmacci, known as Morcky, is an Italian creative who lives and works in Barcelona. Raised in the graffiti world and educated in mathematics, his work has expanded to explore illustration and animation, defining an artistic path where his passion for instinctive drawings and dynamic compositions interwinds with emotional intimacy and noir atmospheres.

Morcky has exhibited his work in museums, walls, festivals and galleries in more than 15 countries around the world and is one of the founders of the Savants project.


Marco Galmacci, known as Morcky, is an Italian creative who lives and works in Barcelona.

Raised in the graffiti world and educated in mathematics, his work has expanded to explore illustration and animation, defining an artistic path where his passion for instinctive drawings and dynamic compositions interwinds with emotional intimacy and noir atmospheres.

Morcky has exhibited his work in museums, walls, festivals and galleries in more than 15 countries around the world and is one of the founders of the Savants project.

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